Wellfie Wednesday Tip #147: SummerOfMove is BACK!

 Happy Wellfie Wednesday! Welcome back!

This week serves as more of a public service announcement. This summer continues a movement... for more... MOVEMENT! #SummerOfMOVE is BACK, an initiative that resides along #FreeTheYoke and APHPT.org. Most of the information I have was pulled from last year’s announcement, because this year it seems that the Oxen have something amazing hidden under their wings and won’t release info until the start of the season, June 15th! But as a member of #WellfieCrew, I SAY BRING IT!

Though really, I’m here to tell you that #SummerOfMOVE is an awesome initiative that is meant to create change, a change in the health of not only ourselves but also the people we have connections with. It is a team-oriented, community-based, and summer-long event that will push you physically and mentally, but of course all in the benefit of better health. With an end goal of creating new and sustainable healthy habits, while getting to experiment a little with your movements. I still occasionally find myself doing box jumps, when that previously was something i never did.

We are hearing that cardiorespiratory fitness will play a big role this year, so be ready to find out what kind of shape you’re really in. But another large and probably more important component is that of community and creating connections. So if you have a friend or family member that is looking to make a move towards better health, this is an ideal place to start, so please invite them to join. The support you’ll receive along the way is tremendous!

Check out #SummerOfMOVE on your social media platforms to see all the excitement that happened last year and to stay informed for this year. Look for more details soon…..but for now….join a team, create a team, or hop into the draft pool. REGISTER HERE.

The #WELLFIECREW team would LOVE to have you join us!!! We’re somewhat of a known contender.

Thanks again for all of the #WellfieWednesday support, be sure to post your pictures this week and tag the WW crew members in your post (@TheFuelPhysio@Eric_in_AmERICa@AaronPerezPT@DianaKlatt) and keep the wave of healthy change going!

- WW Crew

Wellfie Wednesday Tip #102: Gear Up for #SummerOfMOVE

     Happy Wellfie Wednesday! Welcome back! This week serves as more of a public service announcement. There is a movement happening... for more... MOVEMENT! #SummerOfMOVE, an initiative that resides along #FreeTheYoke and APHPT.org. Instead of trying to recreate information, I'll share with you details from the "The Flying Oxen."

2018 #SummerOfMOVE Highlights are as follows


Once again, the 2018 #SummerOfMOVE will work to crown a team champion using a points based system. And it all starts with registration STEP 1 HERE


Once again, the 2018 #SummerOfMOVE will award a portion of the proceeds to the winning teams’ charity of choice. It’s bigger than any one of us….it always has been.


Once again, the 2018 #SummerOfMOVE will include an RPE based load calculation across a variety of activities to award points for effort and consistency. Teams with habitual movers will succeed.


Once again, the 2018 #SummerOfMOVE will rely on a strong social game to generate broad awareness of the power of MOVE to prevent and reverse disease as well as facilitate total well-being….. HOWEVER, with the new wrinkles added, the winning formula will change significantly.


NEW IN 2018, the #SummerOfMOVE will emphasize the benefits of building movement competence AND confidence and will award SUBSTANTIAL points for those who climb the challenge ladder.


NEW IN 2018, the #SummerOfMOVE will emphasize outreach and inclusion. How you MOVE is more than just a health thing…..it’s an expression of who you are…..it’s time to celebrate that!

Look for more details soon…..but for now….build your team. **Content above originally posted at FreeTheYoke

There you have it folks! Make sure you register and jump on board. Great things are to come! And as an FYI, the #WellfieCrew has a team!

Thanks again for all of the #WellfieWednesday support, be sure to post your pictures this week and tag the WW crew members in your post (@TheFuelPhysio@Eric_in_AmERICa@AaronPerezPT@DianaKlatt) and keep the wave of healthy change going!

- WW Crew

Team #WellfieWednesday - #SummerOfMove 2017

Hey there!

     As the 2017 #SummerOfMove draft day is only days away, things have been heating up as teams and alliances are formed. Charities have been picked and trash talk has certainly elevated, all in good fun. Captains have joined under one roof and with the help of fellow WW crew members Team #WellfieWednesday has been established. We have chosen to play for Helping Kids Together (HKT), which is a social enterprise with a mission of inclusion through arts, culture, activity, and universal design. HKT promotes physical activity for kids regardless of abilities through their program, A Fit Kid (AFK). AFK unites kids of all abilities to have fun with fitness. There is absolutely no denying physical activity is essential for health. Importantly, universal design allows opportunities for each of us to interact with our environment. Without inclusive environments, opportunities for physical activity, social interaction, and health are limited. We all deserve the opportunity to be healthy. The #WellfieWednesday crew wholeheartedly supports Helping Kids Together and their mission of inclusion.

     We've chosen Move Your Feet as this year's team anthem, Take a listen below!

"Everybody, Move Your Feet and Feel United"


As we move forward as force to be reckon with, I want to introduce you to our franchise players. 


Matthew St John, PT, DPT, CSCS is currently living in Excelsior Springs, Missouri. He is a recent graduate of Rockhurst University and begins his career in an Outpatient/Sports setting in the Northland of Kansas City. Matt's athletic speciality is crossfit, running, and swimming. "Chronic disease is an epidemic that is sweeping the nation. As a former offensive lineman in college I let my weight and health slip after football. Last year I decided to do something about it. 60+ pounds later I try to lead by example in practicing a healthy lifestyle. Together we can make America healthier one person at a time!"


Aimee Depelteau, PT, DPT, CSCS just moved to Lexington, KY to start her career with a local PT company. Her primary activity is multi-sport (that includes strength and conditioning, running, soccer, golf, basketball to name a few). "Chronic disease is a troubling issue in our country that can be mitigated through addressing lifestyle habits such as increasing total daily physical activity, decreasing processed food intake and increasing whole food intake, improving sleep quality, maintaining social interaction/sense of community, and decreasing overall stress. When we excel in these areas we reach a state of optimal health!"



Lucas Benish, DPT is preparing to take the boards in July! He is moving to Daytona Beach next week with his wife, Brooklyn, where he is currently on the hunt for his first PT position. Lucas lifts, runs, and bikes when he can, while training for his next obstacle course race. "To me chronic disease prevention is a chance to practice what I preach and be a model and resource for others."


Nate Neff PT, DPT lives in Vail, CO and is currently a Howard Head Sports Medicine Sports Physical Therapy Resident. His specialty as a fitness athlete is weight lifting, cycling, hiking, and skiing. "Chronic disease is worse than ever in our country and we need to change our mindset as a whole about movement and wellness and take action. Nutrition and movement need to be our medicine!"


Diane Klatt, MPH resides in New York City where she is a one-stop connection to a plethora of alternative health and wellness resources. Her fitness specialty is walking and running. "Chronic diseases are something that none of us can avoid, we are all equally susceptible. However, what we do about our physical and mental conditions and health is what separates those that suffer from those that thrive. Knowing what to look for and how to compensate appropriately for your personal condition(s) can make all the difference. Each day we chose how to live our lives, wouldn't it be great to chose health and happiness?"


Jared Aguilar, SPT is student physical therapist out of Austin, TX. While working hard on his studies, he also co-host the Duck Legs Podcast. His speciality is overall fitness. Jared has a passion for helping people live to their fullest potential. 


Michael Laviolette, DPT lives in western Massachusetts. He is working part-time at a busy clinic while studying for the NPTE. Michael is also pursuing a residency. His speciality is an overall fitness athlete. To Michael chronic disease "means we need to eat well and get moving."


Andrew Rothschild, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT lives in Richmond, VA and specializes in orthopeadics. He is a fitness athletes with a love for kettle bells. "Chronic disease, especially those that develop due to inactivity are a reflection of modern society in this country becoming too "comfortable." People expect things easier and on demand and some have forgotten that "work" is normal and a certain amount has to be done for minimal health and even more for better health"


Eric Uveges, PT, DPT lives in St Augustine, FL practicing in outpatient orthopedics. His primary activity is general fitness, attaining beast mode by 5am. "Chronic disease to me means diseases we've grown comfortable with because they are common...but they don't have to be. We should not just accept that conditions like heart disease and cancer are our fate, or that corporations like insurance companies, hospitals, or big pharma have our health interests at heart...they don't make money off of a healthy population. Everyone must be an advocate of their own health in order to live their life to its full potential!"


Aaron Perez, PT, DPT, CSCS lives in Saint Louis, MO. He is a Physical Therapist, Personal Trainer, and Health Homie. His activity choice varies but primarily lies in a runner. "Chronic disease sucks. Chronic disease is NOT an inevitable outcome of life. Chronic disease is preventable and reversible through lifestyle."


And finally me, Patrick Berner, PT, DPT, AKA Captain. I currently live in Greenville, SC as a full-time dietetic intern and part-time PT. My activity speciality is weight lifting, hiking, and biking. My goal is to marry the fields of physical therapy and dietetics, encouraging a greater interdisciplinary approach to preventative care. An approach that integrates both movement and nutrition is key to successfully reducing risk of chronic disease. 

Thanks for checking out the team! We are looking forward to draft day!

Wellness Wednesday Tip #46: Challenge: Join #SummerOfMove

Happy #WellfieWednesday friends! Challenge Week!!

     This week’s challenge involves our friends over at Free The Yoke! Mike Eisenhart (@mikeeisenhart) and friends established Free The Yoke last summer as an initiative to bring attention to the burden of chronic disease in the United States. (Sidenote - Did you know that more than 7 out of every 10 deaths in the United States are due to chronic disease with somewhere between 250-700K of them preventable? Unfortunately, it’s true.)

     This summer, FTY is initiating a movement (pun totally intended) titled the #SummerOfMOVE with the goal of bringing even more attention to the burden of chronic disease in the US through an international competition that not only emphasizes fitness, but also raises money for charity in the process. Essentially, you can sign up as a “Free Agent” or form a team with friends to compete against players from around the country to raise awareness of the impact of chronic disease and (let’s be real) establish your dominance against other participants.

     Think of it as a giant fantasy football league, except YOU are the athlete, YOU choose your sport, and YOU, as well as a charity of your choice, reap the benefits!

     So this week, the #WellfieWednesday team is challenging YOU to join the #SummerOfMOVE by following this link to sign up and participate: http://www.freetheyoke.com/2017/05/08/2017/

     I’ve included a few of the key dates below, but for more information, including official rules and scoring break-down, follow this link: http://www.freetheyoke.com/2017/05/14/2017rules/

Object of the game: Assemble a team and accrue the greatest number of points.

Prizes: Donations, made on behalf of the winning team(s) designated charity.

Key Dates:

  • May 7th (open registration begins),

  • May 14th (team registration begins)

  • May 16th (Commitment Day for Franchise Players)

  • May 27th (Live Draft 4P ET for Free Agents),

  • Weekend June 3/4 (preseason week 1 announcements),

  • Weekend June 10/11 (preseason week 2 announcements),

  • Weekend June 17/18 (week 3 [final] preseason announcements),

  • June 22/23rd #SummerOfMOVE opening ceremonies, Portland, OR

  • June 24th-Aug 25th #SummerOfMOVE,

  • Aug 26th (Live Awards 4P ET).

So sign up and join us! Also check out the #SummerOfMove feed below! 

     Thanks again for all of the #WellfieWednesday support, be sure to post your pictures this week and tag the WW crew members (@PBernerSPT@Eric_in_AmERICa@AaronPerezPT@fitnerdaimee@DianaKlatt) and keep the wave of healthy change going!

- WW Crew