“Keeping You, Your Family, & Our Community OUT of the Healthcare System!”


Nutritional Coaching Details

Nutritional coaching programs are intended to help you and your family optimize nutritional intake. Whether looking to lose weight, increase athletic performance, reduce the risk of chronic disease, or fuel good to feel good, we can help!

We individualize our services to facilitate an overall lifestyle change. So if physical activity, sleep, or stress are needing to be addressed, we are happy to help!


Our coaching services are done via email, phone call, or text messaging. Whichever option best fits your lifestyle. If you're located in the Greenville, SC area, face-to-face sessions are available. We do not accept insurance payments at this time; however, please know that HSA (health savings account) funds may be used with an appropriate physician referral.

2019 Nutritional Coaching Fees:

  • Initial session: $150

    • Pre-call preparation (intake form & food log)

    • 60-minute scheduled call or in-person session

      • Discuss intake results, goals, and strategies

    • 2 weeks of Text/Email access for questions and accountability

  • Follow-ups: $75

    • 45-minute scheduled call or in-person session

    • Additional 2 weeks of Text/Email access for questions and accountability

  • Packages that include UNLIMITED text/email/phone for questions and accountability are also available! Please inquire for fees.

Please fill out the inquiry form below to schedule a FREE 10-minute call to see if our services would be a good fit for you!


Nutritional Coaching Inquiry Form