Wellness Wednesday Tip #15: Join PT Day of Service (October 15th, 2016)

Happy #WellfieWednesday friends!

This week’s post is a little different; I want to use it to highlight the upcoming PT Day of Service this Saturday, October 15, 2016. 

     PT Day of Service (PTDOS for short) is a global initiative to unite the physical therapy profession in bettering our communities, to inspire others to participate in service and to educate the public on what physical therapy is and what we do as a profession. This year marks the second annual event where physical therapists (or physiotherapists) from all over the world will go out into their communities, volunteer their time and efforts to help give back to those in need. Whether it’s providing pro-bono services, passing out meals at a local shelter, or just picking up some trash around your town, no act is too small to be considered for this movement! Pledge to participate by clicking here!

Just think about it for a second…it’s the ultimate win-win-win. 

     Communities are united through acts of kindness and servitude, individuals are uplifted through giving and receiving helping hands from their peers, and the profession we love can be promoted directly to its most important audience, the consumer. There is no downside!

     This year’s PTDOS falls at a particularly important time for many, as last weekend much of the southeast United States and the Caribbean were devastated by Hurricane Matthew. While this hits close to home for me, as my home city of St. Augustine was heavily damaged by the storm, I can’t help but think of countless other families along the east coast who could use a helping hand this weekend. As an example, my wife and I are looking to gather clothing to donate to families affected by the storm both at home and abroad. Again, no act is too small to be considered following a disaster like this.

For those looking to donate money in addition to time, consider giving to the STAND Haiti Project (http://www.standhaitiproject.org/). 

     From their site: “STAND: The Haiti Project is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization working to provide continual, orthopedic care to Haitian communities most in need. To accomplish this, STAND will equip local health workers with a rigorous orthopedic curriculum. A competent team of Haitian practitioners will be able to provide relief from disabling pain and injury at STAND facilities year-round, allowing people to return to productive, happy, and fulfilling lives.”

     Thanks again for all of the #WellfieWednesday support. Be sure to post your pictures again this week and tag Patrick (@PBernerSPT) or myself (@Eric_in_AmERICa) as well as PT Day of Service (@PTDayofService, #PTDOS) and keep the wave of healthy change and positivity going!

- Dr. Eric Uveges, PT, DPT

- Dr. Patrick Berner, PT, DPT

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